Lutjanus fulviflamma, Forsskal 1775
Body moderately deep to somewhat slender (greatest depth 2.6 to 2.9 times in standard length). Dorsal profile of head moderately sloped; preorbital bone about equal in width to eye diameter or slightly less; preopercular notch and kob poorly developed; vomerine tooth patch triangular, with a medial posterior extension or diamond-shaped; tongue with a patch of granular teeth; gill rakers on lower limb of first arch (including rudiments) 9 to 12, total rakers on first arch 16 to 19. posterior profile of dorsal and anal fins rounded to somewhat angular; Scale rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line.
Bottom dwelling
L. fulviflamma looks more similar by its black blotch below posterior part of dorsal fin with L. johnii, L. russelii, L. ehrenbergii.
Dorsal fin with 10 spines and 12 to 14 soft rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 8 soft rays;pectoral fins with 15 to 17 rays; caudal fin truncate or slightly emarginate. Color of body on back and upper sides brown; lower sides whitish or light brown; whitish to yellow on belly; a series of 6 or 7 yellow stripes on sides; a prominent black spot at level of lateral line below base of anterior part of soft portion of dorsal fin; fins yellowish.
Max total length 35 cm, while common to 25 cm
Widespread in the Indo-Pacific from Samoa to East Africa, and from Australia northward to the Ryukyu Islands
Inhabits coral reefs at depths between about 3 and 35 m. Juveniles sometimes found in brackish water of mangrove estuaries or in the lower reaches of freshwater streams.
Max 23 years reported
Matures at size of 20 to 25 cm total length. The reproductive biology of L. fulviflamma in Kenya marine water show prolonged spawning season from October to March. Fecundity was estimated about 51,000 to 460,000 for fishes of 17 and 30 cm respectively. L. fulviflamma is a non guarder, open water, egg scatterers fish.
Secondary consumer
Marketed in fresh condition
Sciaena fulviflamma Forsskål, 1775, Descript. Animal.:xi, 45 (Arabia).
From Talwar and Kacker, 1984
Longitudinal rows of scales above lateral line appear to rise obliquely to dorsal profile, those in front of and below anterior part of spinous dorsal fin sometimes parallel to lateral line.....
Scales on head biginning above middle of eyes, temporal region naked or nearly so.....
All longitudinal rows of scales below lateral line horizontal ie. parallel to axis of body.......
Vomerine teeth in a triangular shaped patch with a posterior prolongation or ina dimond shaped patch......
A large black blotch on lateral line below junction of soft and spinous parts of dorsal fin.....
Dorsal fin with 12 or 13 soft rays, dorsal head profile convex, interorbital space flat, longitudinal golden lines run horizontaly only, greater part of blotch below lateral line....
Juvenile crabs, prawns, small fishes and other crusteceans
Caught mainly by hand lines, traps, bottom set gill nets. Juveniles of L. fulviflamma constitute 60% of the catch in the mangrove-linedcreeks which are their nursery area in Kenya. Less commercial along Indian coasts.