Lutjanus quinquelineatus, Bloch 1790
A small, robust snapper with a prominent notch on rear edge of preopercle. Vomerine teeth in a narrow ^ shaped patch, without a median projection; gillrakers on first gill arch 7+1+11 or 12 (including rudiments). caudal fin emarginate; lateral line scales 48 to 50; longitudinal scale rows ascending obliquely above lateral line and running horizontally below it; predorsal scales beginning at midinterorbital space; preopercle with 9 or 10 scale rows, including those on lower border
Dorsal fin with 10 spines and 13 or 14 soft rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 8 soft rays; upper part of head brownish; sides and belly bright yellow; a series of 5 bright blue stripes on sides; a round black spot, eye-sized or larger, below anteriormost soft dorsal rays at level of lateral line; fins yellow.
max size 38 cm, common 30 cm
Widespread in the Indo-Pacific from the Fiji Islands to the Gulf of Oman and the “Gulf”, and from Australia to southern Japan.
Inhabits sheltered lagoons and exposed, outer slope coral reefs at depths ranging from about 2 and 40 m. Frequently encountered in large aggregations inlcuding 100 or more individuals.
max 31 years
Holocentrus quinquelineatus Bloch, 1790, Naturg.Ausländ.Fische, 4:84 (Japan).
Five strips on side....
Belly not abruptly whitishand without thin lines......
Scales rows on cheeks 10 or 11......
Upper pectoral rays pale.....
Holocentrus quinquelineatus Bloch, 1790
Holocentrus quinquelinearis (Bloch)
Diacope decemlineata (Valenciennes)
Diacope spilura (Bennet)
Genyoroge grammica (Day)